Long-Term Results Of Drug Prevention In Schools

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Long-Term Results of Drug Prevention Programs in Schools There are hundreds of programs in schools to help prevent drug usage, but how do we know if they are really effective? Phyllis L. Ellickson, Robert M. Bell, and Kinberly McGuigan decided to detect the long term effect of drug prevention in school programs. They tested 30 schools from California and Oregon that came from eight urban, suburban, and rural communities. The results they found were that once the lessons stopped, the program's impact on drug use stopped as well (P L Ellickson). The statistics behind this logic was that by the time students enter grade 10, 95% of the control students had tried alcohol, 75% had tried cigarettes, and 50% had tried marijuana. (P L Ellickson). …show more content…

If the programs that we are so eagerly enforcing in schools have little to no effect on the outcome of the students being, then there needs to be another method to teach the negative end result of drug usage. If our incoming generations are not being properly educated on the habit forming manipulation of drugs, then it will increase the likelihood of the students becoming addicts. For this society to remain sustained, we need to pay attention to our incoming generations because they will be the future of this world. We need to raise and educate the incoming generations with the intentions of them some day becoming our leaders. In order for this to happen, we need to acknowledge the problems in the world and educate them on the subject; one being drug addictions. In order to sustain our approaching generations we need to have successful methods in educating them on …show more content…

This needs to be done to have successful prevention of such a cause. Sustained, collaborative prevention efforts and activities which are continued over time are necessary in order to achieve a reduction in violence (Dills J). Some ideas to sustain campus partnerships include but are not limited to: Developing memorandum of understanding with community partners, ensure leadership buy-in, creating permanent staff positions, engaging students in gaming and programing and partner in health services. Helping college campuses have a low violence rate will help bystanders to have a more positive outlook of campuses. Some strategies to do so are promote social norms that provoke violence, teach skills to prevent sexual violence, provide opportunities to support and empower women, create a protective environment, and support victims. Teaching skills to prevent sexual violence could even start as early as middle school education. It is important to sustain low violence college campuses. This is not a fast and easy solution, but schools taking small steps to prevent these things from occurring could undoubtedly change campus life as a