Lord Of The Flies Democracy Vs Dictatorship

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Intro; There are 64 different forms of government used worldwide, all of these forms of government have several things in common such as: each have laws or rules that keep the people safe and in line, each have one or more people in power, and they all have the ability to call the people together as one. The most commonly known forms of government are Democratic and dictatorship, these two forms are complete opposites. Dictatorship is run by one person and nobody is given In Golding’s Lord of the flies through Ralph, Jack, Roger and the Conch, Goulding shows how the Democratic government often gives way to the authoritarian governments and their type of authority and structure. Jack is the ruthless, vicious and inhumane …show more content…

This what Ralph tries to accomplish well he was chief of the boys, but Jack seems to pull and tug at Ralph’s plans and eventually they break. “Let him be Chief the one with the trumpet thing” (Golding, 19) After this quote is said by one of the Little Uns, the boys decide to vote on who will run the tribe. The boys chant about how they want Ralph to be chief, they most likely want Ralph to be chief because he called the assembly and he used the loudest instrument. 3rd paragh; Although most government styles affect different people in different ways but some people slip through the system causing savagery, rebellious acts, and death this is shown through Roger.The Fable of the Scorpion and frog shows how the evil nature of a person can lead them to abandon all laws and truth to satisfied a person’s need to kill. In this story the scorpion has to get across the river so he asks the J but the frog knows that he will be killed helping the scorpion, he does it anyway. When the frog and the scorpion get half way across river the scorpion kills the frog, the scorpion then says “ I’m sorry, it’s in my nature” …show more content…

This island is secluded and is perfect for the ground of evil and the wonderful, to have the battle for knowledge and power. “Which is better to have rules and agree or hunt and kill” (Golding, 200) The point of this line is for the boys to pick a side of reason or of savagery and death, the boys are then split up and this is when the boys enter the phase where they turn to homicidal maniac who thrive on power. Ralph’s tribe is the reasonable and agreeing they don’t go into any decision without thinking out a plan first. Jack’s tribe is the one who wants to hunt and kill, Jack’s tribe as formed because all the boys wanted to do was hunt for food and murdered Ralph’s tribe. In modern society certain object and people give people the authority such as a police badge or even a lab coat,the police badge is a symbol authority because the policemen are the ones who make sure that the people follow the law in Lord of the Flies the conch is used to show authority by when whomever has the conch can speak this rule is used during assembly and any group meetings, the conch i also used to