Lord Of The Flies Essay

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Some people let their emotions take over themselves. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, the author shows how humans are evil, which is accurate because people are jealous and controlling. Golding presents human nature as evil. He portrays them evil in many ways. One example in the novel is “Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed it, and threw it at Henry” (Golding 62). This shows how human nature is evil, because Roger is naturally evil. He finds bullying people fun. human nature is evil because of how people portray their emotions. One of the emotions is jealousy. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, jealousy is shown in many ways.”I am not going to play any longer. Not with you” (Golding 127). Jack was jealous of Ralph because he wanted to be the chief Ralph had become. Jack later lets jealousy take over him in many ways. One way being: manipulating others to follow him. Jealousy is not just shown in the Lord of the Flies, it is also shown in real life. “Reports say that Sidhu was a symbol of Punjab and Punjabiyat. They used to come on stage with turbans and big hair. In such a situation, a large section was jealous of them” (news track). Sidhu was killed because they were jealous of him. They are a big example of why jealousy …show more content…

which is why humans are evil. One example of controlling behavior is in Lord of the Flies, “we shall take fire from the others”. Listen to the music of the day. Tomorrow we will hunt and get meat” (161 Golding). Jack is an example of a controlling person, he uses his tribe to hunt, and now as shown in the quote he is using them to steal fire from Ralph and the others, which proves human nature is evil. in Animal Farm by George Orwell, it says "at this there was a terrible baying sound outside, and nine enormous dogs wearing brass-studded collars came bounding into the barn. They dashed straight for snowballs” (Orwell 53). This shows how Napoleon is controlling the dogs to get what he