
Lord Of The Flies Religion Quotes

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Believe it or not, evil lies in every single human being. One sees this everyday when wars occur, homicides happen, and when robberies destroy homes. The novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an outstanding example of what really can take happen when human nature takes over. The character Simon in Lord of the Flies symbolizes the role of spirituality in society. William Golding uses the character Simon as a spiritual tool to reveal human’s inherent defect. To begin with, Simon often disappears into a meditation and church area to get away from the chaos that slowly emerges on the island. The area where Simon goes to meditate is filled with light, plants, fruit, and a mat woven out of leaves for him to sit on (Golding 56). When Simon meditates, the candle-buds open and become flowers (57). Someone of holiness and importance in religion could command this action. Also, Simon relates to a variety of spiritual figures. Examples of this include the time when “his face was glowing” (30) and when he was “on the mountaintop with awful wings” (71). In many depictions of spiritual faith, the lead figure is often portrayed to be glowing or have wings. The quotes above are particularly important …show more content…

When the littluns complained about the nonexistent beast that came to the island, Simon was hesitant to speak his mind and say that the beast was real. He made an “effort to express mankind’s essential illness… inspiration came to him” (89). Deeply spiritual people often notice flaws in the world through a religious and spiritual perspective, as Simon does here. When Simon goes to the mountaintop and has his conversation with the Lord of the Flies, he finally realizes the actual truth of the beast (143). After Simon realizes this truth, he has an epiphany and finally understands that the only evil on the island is the evil in

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