
How Does Golding Present Simon In Lord Of The Flies

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The Lord of The Flies is a book written by William Golding. One of the main themes brought up over and over throughout the book is good versus evil. Through their exposure on an island with only themselves all the characters become affected by an evil. Although Simon is not the main character he stands out to be different than the other characters in the book. While the other characters go through a corruption by evil Simon takes a different path. Simon takes action to stop the corruption, but is killed for it. Simons interactions and similarity to Jesus Christ show his godly image in the novel. In The Lord of The Flies Golding uses Simon’s godly image to show the corruption the other children have undergone. Simon’s actions prove his similarity to Christ in the Bible. Simons shows …show more content…

Simons actions directly relate to Simon Peter in the Bible when feeding the children fruit. Bloom says in his article, “This picture of Simon/Simon Peter placing ripe fruit into the hands of children, is clearly an allusion to the nurturing and proselytizing roles of Christ’s apostles within the Church; as Simon Peter himself says: “Feed the flock of God which is among you . . .” (1 Pet. 5.2)”(Bloom 61). Bloom is saying that Simon in the book is doing what Jesus Christ asked his disciples to do in the church. What Bloom quotes from the Bible means feeding the children of God. Simon does do this by handing down the fruit to the young children who can not reach the ripe fruit. Even if Jesus may not of meant literally feed the people Simon is still working by the scripture, and doing the right thing as Jesus would do. The similarity of both Simon and Simon Peter show that Simon is a holy figure. Even if Simon is just feeding other children he is still doing what Jesus asked his disciples to do in the church. Although Simon is a Christ like figure he is not exempted from the struggle with

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