
Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel, “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, The novel takes place in the 1960’s after World War ll and Great Depression ended. This about a community that deals with a crisis of conscience when an African American man is accused of raping Mayella Ewell. This develops Jeremy (Jem) and Jean Louise (Scout) Finch to start facing the reality of the world as both of them start growing up throughout the book. Atticus educates his children that they should “walk on someone’s skin” and comprehend treating other people equally. The novel develops a theme of compassionate, dramatic, and deeply moved symbols readers rooting of human behavior- to innocence and experience, kindness and cruelty, love and, hatred rumors towards Maycomb’s white and …show more content…

As the trial takes place in the Maycomb community, Atticus’s friend comes to visit him and warns him about the outcomes of the verdict and how he can possibly lose the case against the Ewells. Atticus tells them, “ He is doing what is right, even if it’ll bring trouble towards the community”. He doesn’t care if he loses everything he has in Maycomb. He knows in his heart that he is doing the right thing defending a possibly innocent man in the black Maycomb community. Lee describes this upcoming trial intriguing throughout the book. Another example of innocence Lee has provided for us is the trial Tom Robinson vs. Ewells. During the trial, chapters 17, 18, and 19 shows the testimonies and results of the trial. Everybody in Maycomb comes to support the black and white communities involved and affected. Each character provided their testimonies and statements against what they remember that day Mayella was raped. Most of the testimonies, statements, and results were biased because the white community was defending the Ewells. Lee resulted in the trial into racism because Atticus realizes that Mayella was not raped, but did not want to say anything offensive against the prosecutors, juries, judge, and the community of Maycomb. This trial resulted from the verdict that Tom was found guilty, even though Mayella was not raped. Her dad Bob Ewell was the one abusing and raped her. This resulted in the innocence of a young man jeopardizes because of Mayella’s dad having children with his own daughter, now an innocent man has to face death row for the crime he did not commit. This outcome of the trial shocked everyone because they realized, an innocent man was put in jail and the one that should be facing charges is Bob Ewell. The theme of innocence Lee uses is about

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