
Louis Sullivan Research Paper

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Louis Sullivan was one of the many famous architects. Sullivan was born in 1856 and his career took off from there. His amazing work at building tall structures and skyscrapers contributed to the world in many ways. He built tall buildings unlike others, and his designs helped progress architecture. Louis Sullivan was born on September 3, 1856 and grew up in Boston where he developed a love of architecture: “He left high school early to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.” (American Architects) He was dedicated to architecture even when he was really young. He got attached to it and wanted it to be his career as he got older: “He soon moved to Chicago, where there were more opportunities. There, he worked with William LeBaron Jenney, architect of Chicago’s first skyscraper, and partnered with Dankmar Adler.” (American Architect) He died on April 14,1924. …show more content…

Unlike most people he took advantage of the material steel: “Sullivan took advantage of this revolutionary material. Mass production of steel began in the second half of the 1800’s. Steel made it possible for buildings to be supported from the inside with intricate skeletons.” ( Louis Sullivan: His Story) In addition, His buildings were unlike many others because they were extremely tall. No other material could hold up a building that high but steel. Sullivan inspired many people because of how determined he was: “ Sullivan was instrumental in helping to imagine and implement something the world had never seen before- a tall building structured around a steel skeleton.”(Louis Sullivan: His Story) He wanted to be recognized as the person who changed modern architecture

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