Louise Erdrich's Tracks Analysis

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The novel “Tracks” written by Louise Erdrich is a novel based on the struggles of the Indian tribes that were living in North Dakota many years ago. This novel is considered to be one of great literature with its compelling and descriptive writing. However, in my opinion although the novel was written very well, it isn't my cup of tea. This novel had fell short for me many times, maybe due to the fact that there was two point of views.
Going back into the descriptive writing, maybe it was just me but there were just certain parts where I didn't understand what exactly the storyline was heading. The author had written the story in such a way that it felt as if I was reading something that was actually written in that time frame. Many novels …show more content…

They didn't know what she was going through exactly or how she felt at times. I don't know how many times I'd say it but the novel just didn't make me want to read more, I had to force myself to read the whole thing because it didn't make me want to read. The whole time I didn't care about Nanapush or Pauline's perspective I only wanted Fleur's. She was the one who got raped and supposedly survived 2 drownings (Fleur 26). This novel just made me question it more and more as to how and why did she drown? Why did people consider her crazy or insane in the beginning? This novel was just unclear to me, but that can be due to the fact that I am more modernized and I prefer my reading materials to be systematically. The novel probably would have been better for me if it just stayed in Nanapush’s narrative and then it would have a more consistant theme. The novel is about the struggles of Native Americans but it showed more about the struggles of a girl whose intentions aren't clear. Nanapush was worried about the tribe as things began changing but it seemed like it was more worried about Fleur who he adopted as his own. This novel itself just wasn't very clear to me, although it probably is just me, I did not like this novel one bit. Although this may be true, I do have to admit it …show more content…

Nothing drew me in despite that there were many shocking factors and few parts that caught my attention like Fleur's birthing but that didn't last long. I was just not interested in this book, I could not compare it to anything nor can I really make any connections with it. The only part I can connect with the novel is, Nanapush's desire of letting his heritage survive and the old traditions to pass on. I can see why he would want that, as it is a way of preserving who he is and who his people are. As a person with an old heritage of my own I can see why he would want that. I would not my language or my customs to die out I as well, rather I would like my heritage to live on. Another person I connected with is shockingly enough Pauline, as she had to try and combine two very different beliefs and live accordingly to them. It isn't easy trying to combine two customs and to live by them hence the reason why she ended up choosing one and tried to live by that one. Pauline is another character where we also got her point of view in this story. She was a mixed heritage and had a very odd relationship with Fleur, because she saw her as some type of hero. She was in awe with Fleur but at the same time didn't like her she was jealous of Fleur and even tried to jeopardize her. Pauline was confused of her own