
Love And Tragedy In The Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald

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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic novel about love and tragedy. The story is told by Nick Carraway, a young man who moves to New York in West Egg, a place where people with new money and extravagant lifestyles live. Opposite West Egg is East Egg, a place full of people with old money who think they are better than others because of their wealth. Nick’s neighbor is a man named Jay Gatsby who lives in a huge mansion and has parties every weekend. Nick and Gatsby quickly become friends and Nick learns that Gatsby had a history with Nick’s cousin Daisy Buchanan. They were in love, however, Gatsby had very little money and Daisy’s family lived in East Egg and were wealthy. Gatsby spent his entire life working to gain wealth so that he could be worthy of Daisy’s love. Through Nick, Gatsby and Daisy reconnect and discover they still have feelings for each other. Daisy and Gatsby loved each other in different ways though; Gatsby was willing to do anything for Daisy, while Daisy was very selfish and truly only cared about herself. …show more content…

Jay Gatsby was head over heels for Daisy Buchanan. However, he came from a poor family and Daisy from a rich one, and Daisy’s parents would not allow her to be with a poor man. After fighting in the war for about a year, he spent the next four years working to get his money so that he could be with Daisy. Not a day went by for those five long years that Gatsby did not think about Daisy. Gatsby said that he was, “‘way off my ambitions, getting deeper in love every minute’” (Fitzgerald 109). Towards the end of the novel, there is a tragic accident where Myrtle Wilson is killed in a car crash. The car involved was Gatsby’s, however, Daisy was driving the vehicle. Gatsby took the blame for Daisy, saying that he was the one driving the car. This proves that he loved Daisy so much that he would do anything for her, even take the blame for a

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