Love Vs Lust Research Paper

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Love vs. Lust Love… This is often a very confused topic; love is often confused with his close relative lust. Love and lust are constant opposites of each other; like the good angel and bad angel. Love and lust often time are associated as the same thing; in actuality they are two very different things. Sometimes people may miss the true meaning of love and lust, to find these the dictionary will be required. Love’s definition is “an intense feeling of deep affection.” (Google, In other words, love is that deep tug; the feeling that “controls” everything. Lust’s definition is “very strong sexual desire.” (Google, When someone is lusting for someone, this is when the looks are overly attracting that person. The only drive they have is the fact that the target may be “sexy” or “hot.” …show more content…

Movies often make the actors “so in love” that the romance overtakes the audience. This is often the “goody goody” relationship that people search for. The idea of having this in perfect harmony is highly desired. Now, lust is the evil stepbrother of love, the one that nobody likes to brag about. Lust is like a flame, a relationship that is quick to ignite. The “lovers” (lusters) are so into each other that nothing can stop them. This is the poison of relationships; nothing good comes out of too much lust. Although a little bit is always needed, a little lust is how relationships start. A combination of both is required for a healthy relationship. The spice of lust is what gets things going while the strength of love keeps everything together; without each other these two will seize to