Loves Vocabulary By Diane Ackerman

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Write an analytical essay on the aspect of love.

A one syllable word used to describe a million things. A word with a history so complicated and vague. There are many views and aspects of love. One of which is charm, the power or quality of giving delight or drowsing admiration. An aspect of love is charm, because it includes the impact it has on others, the way it is used and how one can reveal its presence.

To begin with, Love is an intense feeling of deep affection and has an big impact on people. In “Loves Vocabulary” by Diane Ackerman, She States “ We reluctantly admit to it. Even saying the word makes us stumble and blush. Why should we be ashamed of an emotion so beautiful and natural?” In Other Words, just the power of saying the word love to someone can have an affect on them. Diane also expresses in the text that love can even make one kill. To conclude, love has an impact and others. …show more content…

“We use the word love in such a sloppy way that it can mean almost nothing or absolutely anything” Stated In Lines 41-42 of the text . A word with no uniform, that we use everyday without even knowing. For example, one may use love as an excuse as to why they have not done something or use the word love to bribe someone, depriving the word of its true value. Diane Also Claims “It is an emotion that scares us more than cruelty, more than violence,more than hatred.” Meaning the way we use the word love, can either uplift someone or hurt them. Ultimately, Love is used in many different