
Lowering The Drinking Age Essay

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Have you ever thought about damages of alcohol? One of the biggest causes of traffic accidents is driving with alcohol. Alcohol is a substance that makes people mental and prevents them from thinking healthy. I mean, it's some kind of drug. The person who is drinking alcohol can not think healthy and act healthy when he is alcoholic. For this reason, alcohol is a danger both to the user and to the environment. I strongly believe that drinking age should not be lowered causes of violence events, deadly traffic accidents, subsequent mental illnesses. First of all, It is possible to say that alcohol has an effect that facilitates and speeds up the violent behavior. In the case of violence at home after taking alcohol, every individual who lives in that house gets the feeling of this violence and restlessness. Particularly, the sharing of the violence in the neighborhood is also a big part of the violent behaviors that are experienced at home. The reason why the familial resources are so important in gaining the violent behavior of young people stems from the fact that the family is the institution that functions as the first basic socializing function. Because the development and socialization of the child in the pre-school family significantly determine the future orientation of the child. For that reason, the drinking age should not be lowered. …show more content…

Because even a small amount of alcohol reduces the attention, care and skill required doing any job. A lot of alcohol is more self-confident than the person, which causes excessive speed in combination with speed and distance perception. The driver who thinks I am perfect is more likely to make mistakes. There is widespread belief that alcohol use among young people has positive effects such as recreation, freedom, and acceptance by their peers. That's why I think the drinking age should not be

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