
Lowry's Messenger: Close The Borders To Village

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Although some may disagree,It is more important to stand as an individual because it creates diversity in the community and people are not content with the ideas of the people who belong.
It is more important to stand as an individual because it creates diversity in the community. In the novel Messenger, most of the community wants to close the borders to Village. Village is known to be a very welcoming community and helping people who are injured is what Village prides themselves on. There is a big debate and fighting against most of the community Leader decide to voice himself to the community about how they should not close the border to Village. Lowry writes, “Leader stood on the platform, read the petition in his strong, clear voice, and opened the meeting to debate” (Lowry 83). In other words, Leader starts off the debate by expressing his opinions on why the …show more content…

Diversity is a variety of different perspectives in a community. Leader clearly provides a new opinion to the community which is creating diversity in the community. Having diversity in the community proves that is important to stand as an individual because by belonging diversity would not exist. A world without diversity would be boring; everything would be the same. Not only does Leader voice his opinion, but Matty has a special power to heal. In the book Messenger, Matty has the ability to heal. A Matty’s friend was raising a puppies and wanted to give Matty a puppy. The dog and her puppies were very sick and were not expected to live. Lowry writes, “Matty placed his left hand on the mother dog, his right hand on the puppy and willed them to live” (40). In other words, Matty has the power to heal with his

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