The book focuses on a boy named Lucas who wants to find his family after two planes crash into the World Trade Center towers. He initially went to New York to meet with Uncle Benny, a family friend, and talk about his sports and football. Uncle Benny and Lucas' father work as firefighters in the city. Lucas' family decided not to let him compete because the sport was too dangerous. He struggled with the idea. He didn't want to respect his parents' feelings, but he saw that they made a decision out of love for him. Like his father, Benny was a firefighter. Benny helped care for the family after his father was burned in a fire. His father still has scars on his skin, but Lucas is most worried about his father being injured. He and his father …show more content…
While Lucas and Benny are talking, they see a plane flying very low. Shortly after, he crashed into one of the World Trade Center towers. Benny and his team got to work. Benny told Lucas to wait at the fire station until his father arrived with the fire truck. Lucas looked out at the smoke, dust, and chaos in the street as he tried to call his family. When he cannot reach them, he will try to be useful to himself by cleaning the fire station. He learned from the news that other World Trade Center buildings were also attacked. He tried to understand journalists' suggestions that someone might have deliberately crashed the plane into the trade center buildings. It reminds Uncle Benny of World War II photos. Surprisingly, people are afraid to leave the house or be treated by doctors. He went to where the firefighters were meeting and managed to find my father. When the tower began to collapse, he and his father helped those injured and trapped on the ground. Lucas and his father leave the danger zone, and Lucas knows nothing will ever be the same again. A few months later, Lucas helped the children play football. Both players lost their fathers in the September 11