Lurk Fish Research Paper

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The summertime are faintly heated and the winter seasons are bitterly cool. Snow storms are typical year long. The area also has a lot of ultra violet light. This are is inhabited by animals such as the Great blue Windrunner, a blue bird with four wings for flight and can fly with a couple of them while asleep. They feed mainly on Silver spiders, a large colonial spider that hunts Poggles which are also found in that area. Poggles are believed to be the last surviving mammals on the earth at that period, they descended from the hamster (Dixon and Adams,2003). If we shift our observations towards the Bengal Swamp, development of sea stages has triggered huge floods in the area to happen. 100 thousand years later, the nation of Bengal, India, …show more content…

The Toraton species also emerge at this period. Toratons are gigantic tortoise that live in wetlands and are considered to be the largest species found at that period of time. Away from the land, the Lurkfish roams the water. Lurkfish are electic fish that hunt in murky water. They use electric shocks in order to paralyze and sometimes kill their prey depending on its size. During the same period, Antarctica has drifted upwards towards the equator and is now covered in rich forest double the size of what the Amazon used to be. Rainfall drops regularly and sunshine are periodic. Most of the varieties of place have progressed from the mosses, lichens and plankton that populated Antarctica in the human era but some place seeds and spores have drifted from Southern The united states. Most of the forest's population are parrots evolved from seagoing chicken. A few insects and spiders came in from other major regions and nearby areas (Dixon and Adams,2003). There is no surprise that the Antartic forest will include some very visually interesting animals, such as the colorful Spitfire …show more content…

The final time stop for this report will be 200 million years in the future. During that time, the earth would have not yet fully recovered from the mass extinction that occurred 100 million years before, which resulted in the extinction of mollusks, insects, slime molds, plants, and the remaining fish and crustaceans to fill the evacuated environmental niches. At that point of time, a second Pangea will occur, meaning that all the Earth's continents will once again meet up in order to form one unified gigantic continent. This continent would be surrounded by water from all sides, meaning that there would be one gigantic ocean as well. At the center of the continent, a massive desert atmosphere is dominant across the surface, while forest border the coastlines of the continent. Open niches are claimed by lowly organisms who have adapted to the atmosphere such as mollusks who have taken the place of mammals. Fish are the last backboned animal to be found 200 million years from now. However, they have evolved the ability to fly as birds or remain at seas as the last