Comparing Kanati And Selu's The Story Of Corn And Medicine

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The Story of Corn and Medicine, earth was nothing but water and darkness until the day the Water-beetle was sent to explore earth. Space is what they seeks as Galunlati was too small for all the animals. The beetle came back with mud and from this mud an island grew, this island is what we know now as earth which hangs from four corners of ropes from Galunlati. The soil on earth was tender and Buzzard flew over the land but unable to land because of the wet soil grew tired searching far and wide over the Cherokee country. Dragging himself on the ground from exhaustion, mountains and valleys where made making the country of Cherokee. As earth dried the overflowing animals moved down to earth where they moved the sun further and further away …show more content…

Kanati and Selu where man and women from this time, they had a little boy who played with “the Wild Boy” who lived with them as their own. These two boys followed their Kanati one day as he went hunting, they saw where he kept his animals and were intrigued for what they had seen. The boys later went back to that same cave and with some effort let all the animal out. Selu explained, for what they have done they had no food. So she went to the storehouse to get some and told the two boys to wait, again the boys disobeyed and followed her as well. They saw what they were not supposed to and now knowing both there parent’s secrets they explained they them saves would have to …show more content…

I really liked how this myth was different from our previous myths, most of them have the same concept but this one focuses more on animals and plants. It’s very interesting how earth, ‘’to my understanding of this myth’’ is under water and how it’s suspended by four corners of ropes hanging from the sky which can cut of at any moment sinking us all back to the water. The way animal came first and then humans, they do make this their own myth. How corn came to be, from the corps of Selu and her son’s disobedience leading to the reason we can only harvest crops of corn in specific areas. The way ‘’plants’’ counteract the animal diseases by providing remedies to humans is simply amazing knowing what other people around the world have believes in. There’s not too much to take in like other myth that have you all over the place, I think that’s why I like this myth and it’s the and how corn and medicine came to be. Pretty interesting that they believe animals who are able to hunt and see at night are able to do so because they stayed awake the first seven day of earth and that some plants are able to stay green all year round for this same reason. I found it rather funny how they just found a boy and kept him as their own child, and as to where he came from was kind of odd he came from a blood of game washed by the stream but compared to other myths this should be the lease of my worries. With time I believe I’ll get better at