Lynxnet LLC Case Summary

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This plan sets forth the requirements to be observed by the Lynxnet LLC, in order to establish and maintain accountability for Government Property in its possession and/or in the possession of its subcontractors. In the event of an inconsistency between this plan and any provision of the contract under which property has been provided or acquired, the terms of the contract shall govern. All Government Property, either contractor-acquired or Government-furnished, regardless of location, must be accounted for as required by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Part 45 and, when performing under a Department of Defense contract, Part 245 of the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (D FARS). This plan provides implementation instruction in order to facilitate consistent interpretation of the regulatory requirements. 1.0 …show more content…

The system has been established in accordance with sound business practice and in accordance with the requirements of subject matter-related Government Regulation and the terms of the standard subject matter clauses generally contained in contracts award to Lynxnet. 1.1.1 Responsibilities of Lynxnet Property Control Manager: (1) Manages the daily operation of the Warehouse Storage, ILMS cage, and FLS Inventory

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