Lysistrata During The Peloponnesian War

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men will do anything to have sex. Men are constantly thirsty for women because of their desperation for sex. How desperate are they? Enough to end a war. Lysistrata, during the time of the Peloponnesian war, used their power of sex to end the war. During the time of war, women of Greece were tired of their men being at war. Because women wanted to preserve their traditional way of life, Lysistrata gathered all the women of Greece and gives them the details of her plan to stop the war. Hoping that men will eventually end the war and bring peace, she encourages women to hold sexual favors from their husbands until the war is over. She tells women to dress in sexy clothing and hold a sexual strike against men. After some time, the sex-strike held by women of Greece begins to take effect on the men. Desperate men begin to show up with full erection wanting sex. However, women refuse to have intercourse with men until there is peace between Athens and Sparta. Men, due to sexual deprivation, eventually meet together to discuss peace. At this point, all men have full erections. Once everyone came together to discuss a truce, Lysistrata brings …show more content…

Most of them were married during their teenage years and never had to live alone. They were always taken care of by their men, and would not know what to do if they were to live on their own. The men leave for war and some do not return because of death. This would create hardships for the widow who finds herself on her own, most likely with her children, and no one to take care of them. However, if the widow is young and attractive enough, she might be able to marry again. But why would one want a widow, if one can find a fresh wife? At the time, women were considered property. They were usually something beautiful to own, look at, and kept around to fulfill sexual needs. Women did not have the respectable social values except for sex and