M5u2a3 Unit Plan Essay

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Unit Plan for M5U2A3

Teacher Candidate: Ari (Ariunbileg Tsedenbaljir)
Subject and Grade Level: Grade 4, ICT
Standard or Goal:
ISTE Standard
3. Research and Information Fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
a. plan strategies to guide inquiry
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks
d. process data and report results

Vision for the Unit: What should learning look like? What would you expect for mastery? Will you develop the unit around goals, themes, or projects? Why have you selected this approach?

By the end of …show more content…

How will you assess these products?

The following summative assessments will be used for this unit:

Conduct Internet research: Students will be given Bird Research Worksheet. Students will write the name of their bird, habitat, migration, diet, life cycle, interesting facts, and websites. Research worksheet will be evaluated based on the extent of the completion. (Bird Research Worksheet)
Process information: Check slides they created and grade on successful insertion of the required information.
Report the information to the class: Using Presentation Grading Sheet to assess students during and after presentations. Also, students participation during the lesson as well as behavior during the presentation will be considered in the grading.

Objectives: Identify the objectives for the unit and a table that shows where they fall on Bloom’s taxonomy. You may refine and extend the objectives that you created in Unit 1.

Level of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Students will use the Internet to locate and record information on their chosen