MLK Jr.'s Impact On The Civil Rights Movement

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Kash Downard Mrs. Rosonke 3/21/23 MLK Jr. Did you know that Martin Luther King Jr. grew up as a kid with the dream of doing what he did? He dreamed of changing the world and making an impact on the Civil Rights Movement. He was the most influential Civil Rights activist of the time, making the largest movement. MLK Jr. was important to civil rights and history because he was a significant influence to anyone no matter race, age, or gender. For starters, MLK Jr. gave his “I Have A Dream” speech. He proved you should never give up no matter the things you are putting up with, like putting up with unfairness or differentiating right from wrong. Second, Martin shared his story of growing up and telling how his goal is to make everyone complete equals. And with that goal, he made a huge impact on the civil rights movement while teaching all ages how to defend their rights and opinions, with the dream of doing so as a kid. Third, he showed a new way to protest without causing damage or harm. “peaceful protests” like bus boycotts and filling the jails, were both only two of many protests he started and led. To sum it up, he organized and led civil rights movements during an accelerating time with justice and fairness without hesitation, improving everyone's lives no matter a person's age or race. …show more content…

helped solve many issues with the Civil Rights Movement. For starters, Martin Luther King Jr. helped move the segregation laws. Because he risked his life to make a change about segregation, with protests and marches. Next, Martin's goal was to make everyone feel equal. He worked for his goal by sharing his “I Have A Dream” speech around the country. Lastly, Martin fought for justice and to bring people together. He spoke to people and taught everyone how to use a voice. Overall, Martin Luther King Jr. moved the Civil Rights Movement with his words and actions helping find a way to solve many civil rights issues at the