
William Shakespeare The Role Of Fate In Macbeth

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In William Shakespeare story, the Tragic story of Macbeth, the author creates a sense of havoc and dread through his uses of characters struggle, paradox, and fate, this creates a sense of tragedy in the story, so that reader can understand the story. To begin with there is a understanding that this story will have a tragic plot either from the end of the story or middle. When there is a tragic in the story there must be details of develops traits in a character, especially the characters struggles in the story. A great example of a character struggles is the main character in the story Macbeth, he was once a noble men who serve his king and his country. However, that all changes once the three witches presented Macbeth future. This prediction …show more content…

Reasons why fate is a factor to the play and how shakespeare uses fate as a strategy to create s havoc and dreadful story for the reader, is by having the three witches tell macbeth his suppose fate. This is important because if Macbeth doesn’t know he is to be “ Thane of Glamis!... Thane of Cawdor!” (I, iii, 355 ) like the witches say then Macbeth wouldn’t even dare to harm the king without reasons. But analysing the quote he is fated to be the next king which Macbeth believe his fate and at the same time struggle to even through away his loyalty to Duncan so he can be the next ruler. Another example of fate being seen in the play is when Macbeth made a decision to kill Banquo, which to Macbeth is a loyal friend who he have trusted for a long time. However, Macbeth try to kill him and when he did he felt remorseful. In the story the reader understand how Macbeth felt, but one unusual thought that is seen in the story was Macbeth reasons to kill Banquo, usually reader would hope to think that Macbeth would change his mind when plotting to murder his trusted companion “rather than so, come fate into the list, and champion me to th’utterance!”(III, i, 385 )Meaning that it is his fate to kill Banquo for Macbeth to become king, which is very inhumane and faithlessness for a …show more content…

The many examples that are proved, have similar ideas from showing foreshadowing or how fate is play in the story. Shakespeare uses these methods to show how many thing can be fair or unfair in the

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