Macbeth Security Essay

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In order to feel safe and content, one must have a feeling of security. The desire for security is so intense, it allows us to fool ourselves, not think rationally, and believe things that we wouldn't ordinarily believe. Macbeth’s desire for security leads him to delusion and his ultimate downfall. Macbeth’s desire for security was manipulated by the three witches and Lady Macbeth.
Macbeth’s desire for security leads to his downfall as king of Scotland, and his death. As the play progresses, Macbeth becomes increasingly paranoid about losing his power as king. He feels threatened by those around him and therefore feels that he does not have security. Macbeth slips spirals into a state of delusion and makes increasingly worse decisions. Macbeth …show more content…

As Hecate says “Security is Mortals Chiefest enemy.” (3.5.32-33). Macbeth has the capability to be conscientious of his actions. After committing regicide, Macbeth is overwhelmed with guilt and is contrite with his actions. As the play progresses, Macbeth becomes less guilty of his heinous actions and becomes pleased with himself. He is convinced that the murder of Duncan was necessary to prevent civil war and chaos in Scotland. Macbeth believed he was a hero, which is why he did not stop after the first murder. Macbeth believed he was the solution to achieve stability for Scotland. As the play progresses Macbeth does not just desire security. His power in Scotland becomes jeopardized, and his desire for power and control greatly affects his mental state. So much so, that Macbeth would not tell his own wife about his plans to murder Banquo and Fleance. “Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck, till thou applaud the deed.” (3,2,48-49). Previously, this is what Macbeth would have wanted to hear, however, one can notice how his thought processes have changed once his power has been threatened. The desire for power and control catenates the desire for security, if not satisfied. As Macbeth exclaims, “To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus.” (3.1.50-51). Macbeth expresses that being king does not mean anything if he is not safe. In order to live a life free of …show more content…

Through fortune telling and attacking Macbeth’s masculinity, the three witches and Lady Macbeth coerced him into a desire of security, and eventually a false sense of security. Macbeth begins to gain increasingly anxious about his spot on the throne, and feels threatened, therefore increasing his desire for security. This feeling is only amplified when Lady Macbeth undermines his masculinity. “When you durst do it, then you were a man” (1.7.49) This causes Macbeth to murder Duncan. Lady Macbeth continues to tell Macbeth that his actions are necessary for their survival as a couple “We fail! But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we’ll not fail”(1.7.59-60). After Lady Macbeth plants Macbeth into a deep desire for security through means of violence, the three witches lull Macbeth into a false sense of security. This is done twice in the play. Initially, the witches prophesied to Macbeth that he will become king of Scotland. “All hail Macbeth, that shalt ne king hereafter!” (1.3.51). This prophecy becomes true. Macbeth becomes an easy target for manipulation, as he is vulnerable. Macbeth was in a position of losing his power, and becomes frightened. The combination of this alongside the initial prophecies becoming true is what leads him to his false sense of security. The witches give Macbeth a second set of prophecies. These prophecies are twisted, into phrases that Macbeth wants to hear.

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