Macbeth Vs Real Life Essay

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This brings us back to our character of discussion, Macbeth. Unlike the Macbeth in the play, the real Macbeth was respected amongst his kingdom and became ruler through battle and not through underhanded murders. Macbeth ruled the kingdom of Alba which is part of today's Scotland.6) After Duncan I launched an attack into Moray Macbeth's troops killed him, and Macbeth became king of Alba through battle. Macbeth would come to be a well-respected ruler of the kingdom of Alba. it wouldn’t be until 1057 when Macbeth would be killed by Malcolm III. Malcom also killed Macbeth's Stepson after he succeeded Macbeth, marking the end of Macbeths bloodline.11)

Unlike the real life Macbeth, Shakespeare’s Macbeth is completely different. In the play

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