Machiavelli's Argument Essay

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Machiavelli states that it is “splendid” for a prince to have a reputation of generosity; and that a prince who is sincerely generous “will come to grief.” This is because if “a prince want to sustain a reputation of generosity, the prince must be ostentatiously lavish” in order to get the people’s attention. The prince who spends so abundantly he “will soon squander all his resources” and find himself forced “to impose extortionate taxes” on his people. This will make his people hate him. Thus, a prudent prince will “not mind being called a miser.” Machiavelli states, “Miserliness is one of those vices which sustain his rule.” In the name of not to rob his subjects, the ability to defend him, not to become poor, and despicable. Being a generous