Mackelmore And Lewis Synthesize A Compelling Message Regarding The Pursuit Of Identity?

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In the song Wings by Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis they synthesize a compelling message regarding the pursuit of identity through the means of consumerism and how it affects our society. In America we have the freedom of speech and a popular way for artist to express their thoughts and views is through their music. Protest songs allows artist to express their thoughts on controversial, social or political topics freely through music (Gilbert). In addition artist protest songs are a way to convey a message and bring people together with same opinion (Gilbert). The song Wings does just that in regards to consumerism. Consumerism has been around since the 1800s when the industrial revolution began (History). Products began to be widely available causing everyone to think they needed to buy the new product out (History). The Buy Now Pay Latter Mindset began when General Motors Acceptance Corporation was established in 1919 (History). It promoted giving loans to people who bought …show more content…

American consumption is still very relevant today and we are all victims to it. The average American consumes 53 times as many as someone in China (History). American Consumes more than any other place in the world (History). The song Wings has over 71 million views on YouTube and nearly 38 million listens on Spotify. A lot of people have listen to the song or at least heard about it. Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis song might not of actually caused American consumerism to change, but they definitely made people more aware of it due to people hearing there song on the radio, playing at events, hearing it online and etc. American Consumerism is a serious issue that we have in our country. Our society needs to realize that all the materialistic things are nice to have, but they do not change an individual and make them a better person than somebody