Erikson's Theory Of Identity And Identity

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Introduction In this assignment, I will be focusing on Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. There are eight stages in which only the fifth stage”identity versus role confusion” will be discussed. Aspects such as identity crises, exploration of autonomy whilst developing a sense of self, factors that may contribute to identity formation as well as the successful/unsuccessful resolution of this particular stage will be discussed thoroughly. James Marcia’s identity statuses will be highlighted. This essay will then progress into a case study based on Anna Monroe in connection to the difficulties she faced namely gender, sexuality, peer pressure, suicide and the experimentation with different identities she encountered. Erikson’s fifth …show more content…

Due to challenges as well as issues confronted by adolescents they may have identity confusion which is comprised of identity foreclosure, negative identity and diffusion. Identity foreclosure alludes to the identity crisis being resolved by making a series of premature decisions about one’s identity, based on other’s expectations of what and who one should be. Negative identity alludes to adolescents who form an identity contrary to the cultural values and expectations and diffusion refers to a kind of apathy in which the youth lacks any kind of passion or commitment (Louw&Louw, 2007). However, this challenge could be overcome by positive role identity or identity achievement which is “the sense of really knowing who one is and in general, where one is headed in life” (Fleming, 2004: 9).Erikson’s theory states that, throughout life, individuals go through various stages during which one will meet ever changing psychosocial challenges. The completion of the work of each stage which Erikson alludes to as a crisis that prepares one to move on to the following stage. According to this theory, if individuals do not resolve a crisis during any of these stages one will continue to create events throughout life which will recreate a crisis until one have done the psychosocial work necessary to resolve a specific crisis, or not (Erikson, …show more content…

This is the time period in which experimentation takes place (Louw&Louw, 2007). In order to develop one’s own identity; adolescents would require to master five tasks. They would need to form a continuous, integrated, unified image of the self, referred to by Erikson as ego-synthesis. Adolescents would need to form a socio-cultural identity, which means that the adolescent’s identity must include the value orientations of his or her culture. A gender role identity must be firmly established through which, adolescents must accept their identities as either male or female. A career identity must be formed, meaning the adolescent needs to be realistic in choosing a career path. A personal value system must be developed, meaning that adolescents must rethink certain values so that they are able to form their own basic philosophy (Louw&Louw,