Mad Men: The Brave New World Of Empowered Consumers

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The “Mad Men” world of marketing has been replaced with the “brave” new world of empowered consumers. Although there are a number of forces driving that change ( as previously missioned in my last post), However ,globalisation and technology are considered to be major forces that changed the world of advertising and marketing today. Aron (2014) explained that globalisation has made companies who wanted to expand need to balance the benefits of global scale with the need for local importance by removing the middle layers and creating specialized “centres of excellence”. Technology has given customers more power to make more informed decisions about the product and services they want to buy. Therefore, technology changed the ways companies market their products. Companies no longer controlling what customers want to know about their products or services as customers can search the Internet to arm themselves with information about the products and services they want to buy long before they enter a retail store or call a B2B salesperson (Golden2016). …show more content…

It has also contributed to the rise of Purpose-Driven Marketing. Today consumers, particularly the new generation, want to have relationships with brands. It's not just the value they receive from the product anymore, it is about trusting that the brand stand behind their values. Marketers are being called upon today to take greater social responsibilities for the social and environmental impacts of their actions. Corporate ethics and social responsibility have become major issues for almost every business and companies cannot ignore the renewed and very demanding environmental movement (Kotler & Armstrong