What Clapway Tells Us About The Future Summary

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The critically acclaimed series Mad Men, brought us firmly into the world of what advertising was like in 1960's America. It was a world of creativity and lies. Manipulation and determination. What worked for the men on Madison Avenue back then set the foundation for what advertising would become for the future decades. The landscape has gotten a bit more complicated now. Technology has allowed advertising to be approached in a highly personalized and creative fashion. To shed light on this subject, PPCorn talked with Ivan Kv, Lead Manager of Media and Advertising operations at Clapway, about his thoughts on the future of advertising.


Clapway, a source for quirky and informative articles tells us a lot about the global mind these days. As a site that specializes in science, technology space, and human interest, it shows that readers demand more intellect. Yes, cat pictures will always be popular on the internet, but the fact that Clapway is showing success suggests that science and technology are not just for nerds anymore. Clapway's Ivan Kv thinks advertisers long ago have picked up on this and aim to use technology to their advantage.

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Talking houses, robot maids and flying cars. Many of the depictions also include advertising. Ivan Kv thinks these clever predictions are not that far off. He believes the increasing connectivity of devices and brands will play a major role in the future of advertising. Specific sets of data will be compiled according to each individual, setting up a shopping experience that will mold to unique interests. Using an example of push notifications, Ivan Kv states that we can see the early stages of these developments. These push notifications use specific GPS information to send customers content that is relevant to them. When utilized correctly, push notifications can coincide with a shoppers

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