Made In Canada Essay

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Made in Canada. Product of Mexico. Imported from Belgium. As I skimmed the contents of my kitchen, I noticed that many of my food products were not made in the United States, let alone in Southern California. Consequently, I was reminded of the Footprint Calculator we used in class last week, and one of the key components of calculating one’s environmental footprint is food consumption. In order to develop a more sustainable food network, people are encouraged to connect with local food producers and do away with global food networks. An individual can opt to use their local food network for a variety of reasons across environmental, social, and economic areas. As I am learning more about sustainable food production and consumption, I am motivated to challenge myself and purchase a higher proportion of food products that …show more content…

For me, the most compelling argument is that it benefits the local community in more ways than one. There are multiple environmental benefits, as the energy needed to transport food or store them in large refrigerators is diminished significantly by buying local. Furthermore, locally-grown food is less likely to be produced on factory farms, which pose health threats to animals, create environmental waste, and are subject to ethical concerns. Economically, the money that we are contributing to local farmers typically stays in the area and then contributes to other local businesses and services. Additionally, even though local products are often more expensive than those that are mass-produced somewhere else, we are mitigating the “hidden costs” associated with the latter food sources. That is, we reduce the delayed environmental, social, and monetary costs that we often ignore based on our immediate choices and actions. Finally, buying local food has social benefits, as consumers can support members of their community, learn more about how food is grown, and foster relationships between farmers and