Summary Of The Book The Omnivore's Dilemma

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Local sustainable is one of the four food chains Michael Pollan talks about in his book The Omnivore’s Dilemma. The local sustainable food is grown on small farms. Food from farms like these don’t travel long distances like they would in the industrial or industrial organic food chain. These farms also have diverse crops and animals. Local sustainable is the best food chain to feed all of the people in the United States because it doesn’t harm the environment, animals aren’t mistreated, and crops are naturally raised. This is important to know because whether we care or not, the choices we make now with our food affects the world we live in. Pollution is one of the many things that negatively impacts our environment. “Local food production …show more content…

In Michael Pollan’s book The Omnivore’s Dilemma it claims that, “At Polyface, the Salatins try to work with the natural instincts of the animals, not against them. When Joel lets his chickens loose in a pasture he is using their natural instincts to clean up after herbivores... Instead of treating chickens as egg-laying (or meat-growing) machines, Polyface honors their inborn ‘chickeness.’ It is the same for all the animals on the farm.” (192) Joel Salatin embraces the animals natural instinct and welcomes it into the farm. For example, after the cows have been through the grass the chickens go next. The chickens help clean up the cows waste and even fertilize the land with their own droppings. This way the soil is better than it was before and no chemicals were needed. “Animals on organic and ‘free range’ farms often endure the same cruel mutilations-such as debeaking, dehorning, and castration without painkillers- as animals on conventional factory farms… These animals are typically shipped on trucks through all weather extremes- usually without food, water, or rest-to the same slaughterhouses used by factory farms. There, the animals are hung upside down and their throats are cut, often while they’re still conscious and struggling to escape,” said by The Organic and ‘Free Range’ Myths. Animals on organic farms aren’t treated that differently from animals in industrial farms. They still have to endure the same cruelty other animals are facing in factory farms. On the other hand, local farm animals are treated with care and kindness. Local farms don’t force animals in small or unsanitary places. They also don’t harm their animals. Michael Pollan goes on by saying, “Big business is often blind, except to profit. Morality just doesn’t enter into a spreadsheet. Customs, culture, ideas about right and wrong all fall away under the pressure to increase production and get a

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