Made To Stick Chapter Summary

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The book Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath analyzes the characteristics of a long-lasting idea and argues there are six elements that compose the idea. The book is intended for innovators, entrepreneurs, and educators. Emotional motivates the target audience to care about the central message and overcoming apathy (CITE) and Stories inspires the audience to act on the central message. bell hook’s chapter 14 Pedagogy and Political Commitment: a comment argues educators teaching education for domination should learn to teach education for liberation. Education for domination is based on the style of an authoritarian teaching radical ideology and oppressing other views (CITE). Whereas education for liberation establishes programs that “emphasizes education for critical consciousness” (CITE). She targets educators teaching for domination to establish order in the classroom. hooks satisfies the criteria Emotional and Stories. Emotional utilizes the methods: The Mother Teresa Principle (CITE), Power of Association (CITE), Appealing to …show more content…

The two groups in this narrative would be the complaining students and hooks, or the educator. hooks chooses the overcome the teacher-student gap by discussing pain with the class, instead of maintaining the position of an authoritarian. In the end, the students gain insight into the different perspective of pain and hooks preserves her job security. This outcome would not be possible for a educator using domination, as the complaints would still jeopardized the teaching position, but education for liberation prevails over the standard relationship in education during the time of which this was written. The narrative utilized by hooks demonstrates the impact education has on job security and motivates those using education for domination to take a different route. She satisfies the criterion of