Madera High School Case Study

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Madera High in its years has dealt with cyber bullying and harassment throughout all levels. A group of senior students came up with a survey to give out to different classrooms at all levels to get more feedback about bullying and harassment taking place at Madera High. As students took the time to answer the survey questions about bullying and harassment, the statistics showed MHS students came clear that half of the students at Madera High have been bullied or harassed once before on campus or online. MHS is a school that varies with different people such as gender, religious, and culture. Dealing with different skin color or race has brought students to feel different or scared about themselves. Majority of high school groups that are often targeted by bullies are individuals who are gay, teens with disabilities, teens in certain ethnic groups, teens of color, and people who are often excluded or singled out by society for looking different. Social media is another …show more content…

Zamilpa revealed when asked if there were cases about bullying that have dealt with at Madera High, he assured that 10% of the cases dealt with pertained to bullying and harassment. About 50% bullying, 50% harassment. Zamilpa also stated that majority of the bullying cases are roughly 90% of females. The question is how does gender play a role? Most of the bullying was classified as name calling, threatening, and violent. The reason why Madera High encounters most bullying is because of name calling. Some examples Zamilpa gave where unwanted comments such as, “He/she is ugly.” “He/she is fat.” Zamilpa stated, “social media has become a big influence on these kids and has become a weapon.” As students now screenshot a picture of what someone else said about him/her and causes the image to go viral is becoming dangerous at Madera