Magna Carta Research Paper

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The Magna carta is one of the most celebrated documents that was made for the corrupted government of England ("Magna Carta an Introduction." ). The document was for the purpose of dealing with unsuccessful foreign policies and very heavy taxation demands. One purpose of creating the Magna Carta was to solve the political crisis in England in 1215. The person that issued was King John of England. The Magna carta was established for the principle that everybody, including the king would abide and be the subject to law. Some people say that the Magna Carta was either a relationship between the lord and the vassal. Also some historians may confirm that the Magna Carta was also a first step to the democratic government. But, from the evidence collected …show more content…

The Peasants (or more known as the lower class) are the people that are the poorest and were taxed massives amount of money just to live. They would also aid the king but doing daily chores for them or even grow crops and being forced to give away their crops. This type of government that the people of England were facing was called Feudalism. Feudalism is a dominant social system that took place in Medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in return for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants were forced to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection. The relationship between the lords and vassal was a mutual relationship but was very messed up in the peasants part. Back then, the vassal vowed to serve their lord. One of the agreements the lord and the vassal agreed on was that if the lord was to hold the land down, the peasants would pay there taxes. The vassal vowed to also fight by the lord's side in exchange for protection to the vassal. If the lord was disrespected or felt like the peasant was being disloyal to him the result would be