Major Companies Influence Of Obesity On Children

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Major companies are trying to take our money , and trying to influence our children life style aswell. For example; food, not just any food, but the one of the most greasy and fattening foods on the market, another key factor to keep in mind is that, these companies are trying to put faces on these certain products , such as, Spongebob. Spongebob was on the cover of a macaroni and cheese box, and since it was put on the lower shelves the box was easy to spot by children. But one of the most important thing about children being advertising is that certain foods that kids want are so fattening that is can cause life threatening diseases like diabetes or in some major cases cancer. One of these key factors being that these major companies such …show more content…

For instance a commercial about Spy kids being partnered with McDonald's. What is so bad about it, you might be wondering, well most kids have seen “Spy Kids” and they want to be like them , and since McDonald’s does the happy meal food, kids would eat the food and then get a toy, and since the toy that is chosen is randomized then the kids would order and keep ordering till they get the certain toy that they came for. Vending machines are found in 16% of use elementary schools, 82 % in middle schools, and 88% are in high schools, as well as 22% of the schools buy food from vending machines every day. What a ton of people don’t ever think about is that the they are being advertised to buy the drink, and the schools are advertising them to sell. 1.25 million have type one diabetes and some are on there way of getting the disease. Thats insane on how 1.25 million people have a disease that is life threatening to our community, and all because of these advertisements all over. So meaning of what all this is this number is close of doubling in the next couple of years if the rate diabetes is