
Major Games: Brand Analysis

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The Major Games are organized athletic events throughout the world designed to give amateur athletes the opportunity to compete against each other in a fun and exciting culture. Each Major Game organization has their own structure for what they are trying to accomplish to give athletes a chance to showcase their skills and passions. Although an amateur setting, the Major Games are sporting events that gain worldwide attention in athletics due to the unique nature and mission each have. In this paper, I will be discussing well-known Major Games events, and analyzing the constitution, by-laws and marketing they follow to ensure their events are run successfully. Two Major Games event organizations are the Pan American Games and the Commonwealth Games. One of the first things to understand about these games is the specificity of what population they are intended for. The Pan American games are for nations of the Americas in the Western Hemisphere, whereas the Commonwealth Games involve countries that were once part of the British Empire. Although different for who can …show more content…

Although they’ve had numerous successes in gaining sponsors and partners, their brand philosophy is their reputation. In their strategic marketing plan on their website they state “Our brand is our reputation, a reputation shared by all of the programs within Special Olympics. This reputation exists in the hearts and minds of the public and our stakeholders. Our reputation is informed primarily by what we do but it is also influenced by what and how we communicate.” (http://media.specialolympics.org/resources/brand-awareness-and-communication/branding/brand-guidelines/Brand-Identity-Guidelines.pdf). Moreover, their reputation along with their communicative outreach helps them receive donations and gain partners who sponsor events

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