Malnutrition In The United States Essay

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Teenage Malnutrition in the United States
Malnutrition is a complicated concept and title given to any condition where the body lacks the required nutrients for adequate function. Malnutrition gradually worsens the longer the body does not receive what it requires. This condition can become pretty serious when proper nutrients and enough food is not taken in. Malnutrition spans from mild to severe and life threatening. Once it begins taking effect, it’s not easy to reverse the effects. Steps have to be taken to gradually build the body back up to the point where it can function properly.

Malnutrition can be the result of starvation, in which case the body’s intake of calories is simply inadequate. Malnutrition can also be the result of deficiency of one specific nutrient such as vitamin b, c, or d for example. In rare cases, malnutrition can be the result of medical conditions, such …show more content…

Within reason, as there are plenty foreign countries with a high population of improperly nourished people. This is especially true for those in underdeveloped countries where food is not in abundance. The point being made here however, is malnutrition can affect any and everyone who isn’t consuming enough food. Food is being used here as the general term for calories, grams of protein, and any other valuable nutrients.
It is fair to mention how fortunate we are to live in a country like the United States. The effects of malnutrition are significantly worse in other places that are not as developed as we are. Those living in underdeveloped countries have to worry about natural disasters constantly causing droughts and famines (Schwartz-Nobel, 2003, p. 36). In the United States, manufactures strengthened a lot of the common foods with certain minerals and vitamins to help fend off certain deficiencies associated with

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