Poverty And Urban Development Essay

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Malthus, for example maintained that the increase in income of workers reflects itself in their sexual propensity to reproduce themselves. He therefore envisaged that (,i.e.)while population will be and increasing in a geometric progression, food production would grow in arithmetic progression. This would lead to deletion of material resources adding nothing to the productive sector. Malthus’s work is criticized on the basis that it did not consider the replenishability of natural resources through technological advancement. Karl Max was of different view. He argued that poverty and income inequality would rather bring doom to capitalism. He stated that poverty meant less consumption for the poor masses. This would lead to unsold stock …show more content…

Bresciani and Valdes (2007) frame their analysis in terms of three key channels they say links agricultural growth to poverty: 1) labour market, 2) farm income, and 3) food prices. They provide a theoretical framework for investigating the quantitative importance of those various channels and then report findings from six country case studies. They conclude that when both the direct and indirect effects of agricultural growth are taken into account, such growth is more poverty reducing than growth in non-agricultural …show more content…

2 responses to poverty what is the public reaction to poverty at the local and national levels and what means are being used to tackle poverty? Do these means actually alleviate poverty in a way that meets the needs of the poor and of government? 3 the relationship between poverty and economic strategies - does the strategy for the poor relate to the strategy of economic growth and do current city development strategies include a poverty dimension? If so, what are the implications for the poor? He suggests that these three categories of question should form the basis for any urban poverty