Margot Research Paper

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When was Margot born? Margot was born on February 16, 1926 in Frankfurt am Main. When did Margot become a sister? In the year 1929 Margot’s new sister Anne was born. When did Margot start school? She started school in 1932 at the Ludwig Richter Schule. When did Margot emigrate? She emigrated to the Netherlands in 1933. On January 4,1934 Margot starts school in Amsterdam. When does Anne come to join them? On February 16, 1934 Anne comes to Amsterdam as a ‘birthday surprise’. When does Margot have to start going to a jewish high school? In 1941 Margot has to go to the Jobs Lyceum (‘Jewish High School’). When did the Nazi come for Margot? On July 5, 1942 she receives her call-up papers: she has to report for a ‘work camp’ in Germany. When do the

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