Marilyn Monroe Accomplishments

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Marilyn Monroe is known as one of the most popular sex symbols to men and women. Her role in presenting herself in a sexual way made her rise in fame and start her career in modeling and eventually acting in Hollywood. The fame brought massive attention towards her that she never actually received as a child, being that she mainly lived in orphanages and foster homes. Eventually the fame of her success became too much to handle and caused many battles in her life. She thrived at wanting to be perfect in everything she did in her career and it is believed that the rise of fame is what truly took her life. Marilyn Monroe grew up in a very tough childhood scenario that brought sadness and depression into her everyday life. She grew up having …show more content…

This form of assistance will help her overcome the addiction by medical psychotherapeutic treatment. Her problem with addiction was that she would turn to pills because she believed that pain and lack of sleep could be fixed through the drugs. They eased her pain temporarily but never fully resolved her agony. Lonely and harassed, she had a very difficult time sleeping at night. As time went by and the drugs started to fade, she thought taking more and more pills would make them last longer. The biggest problem with her situation was that she was prescribed medications instead of getting help at a rehab. The main focus of rehab is to enable her to confront the substance being used and avoid it. Being in a rehab may take a long time depending on the extent of how bad her addiction may be. In “What is Drug Addiction” National Institute of Drug Abuse explains, “Treatment can occur in a variety of settings, take many different forms, and last for different lengths of time. Because drug addiction is typically a chronic disorder characterized by occasional relapses, a short-term, one-time treatment is usually not sufficient.” Being in a rehab can provide a positive atmosphere that can enable a source of help anytime she needed support. There are counselors and even patients that have the same struggles as her. Drug rehabilitation’s have groups that Monroe could join that allow let her to talk about her experiences and reasons for her addiction. This type of environment would have created Monroe to feel loved, and a sort of happiness that people were there to