Monroe Essay

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Monroe’s environment expressed that sex appeal, talent, beauty and fame could provide her with the love, adoration, support and stability she lacked as a child. A beautiful face, attractive figure and some talent can get a female attention that can eventually lead to greater things. Monroe after modeling and seeing how successful she could potentially become was motivated to then, by external factors in her environment, to take acting classes and to study other actresses. These actions helped her in becoming the famous actress and model we know today. The attention from her fans, the interest from major production companies such as Twentieth Century Fox, the increase in pay were all positive reinforcements that helped shape the way she behaved. …show more content…

Monroe was clearly aware of her talents and this provided her with the incentive and motivation to become more successful. She believed that she could become a great actress and therefore behaved in ways that would achieve this belief. Self-efficacy beliefs are the result of four types of information. (1) our experiences trying to perform the target behavior; (2) watching other perform that or similar behaviors; (3) verbal persuasion; (4) How we feel about the behavior. ( Schustack) Let us now evaluate the results of Monroe’s four types of information: (1) she has been signed to major production agencies and thus can conclude that being attractive and talented can land you the deal so she makes sure she has that sex appeal and continues to improve her acting skills. (2) Through a process called observational learning she models other successful actresses in an attempt to improve her own skills. (3) she is motivated by the response of her fans, the love, adoration and support she receives from them. (4) She wants to be accepted and loved and sees this as a way to achieve that either by the fans or the men that are attracted to her. Monroe's self-efficacy shifted which can be seen by her increasing tardiness to studios later on in her career. To conclude, cognitive approaches focus on the way people think. Monroe is probably motivated to be a successful actress because she thinks that is the only way she will ever be loved and accepted. Her lonely, unstable childhood left her wanting the acceptace of others therefore her behaviors are shaped by these internal processes. She tries to fill the void in her life with her multiple husbands and her fan