Marshall Berman's Theory Of The Three Phases Of Modernization

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Marshall Berman says that all that is solid melts into air: the experience of modernity. Experience is categorized into: space and time, life’s possibilities and perils, shared by men and women. This experience is called modernity. Modernity refers to a period of time by accepting or rejecting a specific tradition, technology, concepts, ideas… Modernity can be said to unite all mankind. But, it is a paradoxical unity, a unity or disunity. Modernity refers to a model of progressive transition from a pre-modern or traditional to modern society. Modernization is divided into three phases. The first phase is from the 16th to the 18th century. People started to experience modern life, and they didn’t know what is going to hit them. It stays about 200 years. The second phase is in the 1790s. It begins with the great revolution. The revolutionary age in every dimensions of personal, social and political life. With the French Revolution and its reverberations, a great modern public abruptly and dramatically comes to life. At the same time, the 19th century modern public can remember what it is like to live, materially and spiritually, in worlds that are not modern at all. From this inner dichotomy, this sense of living two worlds simultaneously, the ideas of modernization and modernism emerge and unfold. It stays about 10 years. The 3rd phase begins in the 20th century. It is the last phase in modern life. The process of modernization expands to take in virtually the whole

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