Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

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When you think of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. what comes to mind? A man that gave one of the most inspirational speeches of all time but he was much more than that. Born in Segregated Atlanta, Georgia Martin Luther King, Jr was destined to make a change .He played a key role in the American civil rights movement from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 1968. Many people saw Dr.King as a threat because he empowered black people to know their rights .He lived to make a change, that was his goal, and he paid the price with his life so that future generations could live in a world where equality was not just a dream but a reality. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an activist, religious leader, and author. Martin Luther King, Jr was …show more content…

He said the Vietnam War was “one of History’s most cruel and senseless wars”. He set up a march on Washington against America funding the war. Dr. King did not like to speak on the war because it took away from his civil rights movement. He said "The press is being stacked against me" meaning they saw king as a saint when it came to speaking on Civil rights but when he spoke on Vietnam it was wrong. They disapproved when applied "toward little brown Vietnamese children". People began to criticize King and said he had no right to speak on the Vietnam War. Even his own men told him he can’t take on rights for African American and rights for Vietnam, they wanted him to choose. Dr. King did not understand why he had to choose, he believed that everyone no matter their color should be treated with equality and respect. In June of 1965 a South Vietnamese Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh encouraged king to speak out against the Vietnam War. Taking this into consideration, he wrote letters to both the United States President Johnson and North Vietnam’s President Ho Chi Minh urging serious negotiations. “We must combine the fervor of the civil rights movement with the peace movement “King said. Dr. King did not stop his anti-war stance and peace movement until he was