Martin Luther King Jr Research Paper

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There were many leaders created through the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Thurgood Marshall, Elijah Muhammad, and more. One important person that impacted black lives for the rest of their lives was named Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was raised in Atlanta and witnessed many different racial encounterments. He attended Morehouse College and received his doctoral degree. He also met his wife around this time and eventually had four children. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was unique from many different activists. He believed that they should stand up for their rights in a non-violent way. He became famous throughout America for his famous speeches, his powerful movements, and his inspirational boycotts. Martin Luther King Jr. inspired many lives both past and present. Dr. King’s beliefs have impacted my viewings of life in numerous of ways. …show more content…

King’s dream?” Dr. King had a dream that he wanted everybody to have equal rights. He didn’t care what color you may have been or where you may have come from, as long as you were treated equally. He faced many obstacles to make his dream come true. Some obstacles that Dr. King had to face was when someone actually bombed his house and caused his house to catch on fire. He also received many threatening calls and letters to his home and was arrested over 20 times for things that he shouldn’t have been arrested for. Dr. King had so challenges thrown his way but he continued to believe in his dream. “What does Dr.King’s dream mean to me?” Dr.King’s dream truly inspires me. No matter what he went through, he continued to believe in his dream. It teaches me that no matter what may come in my way, I should always fight for what I believe in. I shouldn’t let anyone’s actions or words stop me from making my dreams come true. Dr. King has shown me that our dreams are an important substance in each of our lives, and we shouldn’t let anyone take that away from