Mary In The Wild Movie Vs Book

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and definitely didn’t like the manor. Marry did get used to living there, once she got used to the people being around her, and going outside to regain her natural color in her skin. In the movie, Martha, Marries maid takes care of her room and waits on the table, and dresses her. In the book and the movie Martha gave her a skipping rope from her mother and her family. Marry goes outside and uses the skipping rope to play with. In the book and movie this is when Marry finds Ben Weatherstaff working in one of the gardens. She asks him where the locked up garden is and he said that’s none of her business. She met a bird at that time and called him robin. In the movie the robin showed her to the door and she had already found the key in the …show more content…

Medlock comes in to feel his lump. In the book and movie Marry eventually tells Colin about the garden and he gets to come outside in his wheelchair. In the movie and book this is how Colin started walking outside in the garden he believed was magic. He went out everyday and his legs got better each time he came outside in that garden. He was pretending to be a Rajah. Something very weird that happened in the movie is that Colin had his legs shocked with the cranking machine and he took ice cold baths when he had fevers. What was really bad in the movie was that Mrs. Medlock locked Marry and Colin in their rooms, but Marry knew the secret to getting out of the room without going out the main door. There was a secret hallway in Marries room out to the hallway. They always sneaked out at night when Mrs. Medlock does not know. In the movie When Mr. Craven asked for Marry to come to him at one point of the story, there were lots of guard dogs everywhere in that room. I bet that was really scary for Marry to meet her uncle in that room. Mr. Craven was to get Marry a governess, but Marry said she doesn’t need one because she’s doing really well with her studies and she reads a lot. In the secret garden from the movie I notice that the swing is always swinging when all the kids are in