Materialism In Native Americans

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Culture is what is brought up into society, but as time progresses, the more we restrain from it. Hence, it only exists in our minds. It is still being held up today but not as quite the same as the primitive days. It is the non-materialistic, materialistic and diversity that forms a people’s way of life. Firstly, the non-materialistic culture is our beliefs, traditions, values and norms. As we grow up, our parents instill values in us about our ancestors and we learn what’s right from wrong; depending on how you’ve been raised. Every person has different ways of viewing cultural activities. For instance, my parents raise me differently from my cousin or any my friends. I have been disciplined very well and know my limits to anything; right …show more content…

It is what we have been building and living on. Currently the government is doing a perfect job in renewing our country and providing further education opportunities. They are constructing stronger bridges, housing and roads for the villages. They are also expanding electricity into the villages especially since everyone is given an opportunity towards education. The government is doing this by providing scholarships, paying tuitions and other small things. Moody, D. (2014)On Saturday at Chateau Caribbean, the Taiwanese Embassy held its official awards ceremony to send off the successful individuals for its scholarship program. Families and friends joined in the celebration as twenty-six students—five for the MOFA scholarship and twenty-one for the ICDF—will join the over one hundred Belizeans currently studying in university within that country. Taiwanese Ambassador to Belize, Benjamin Ho, says the recipients were chosen from over two hundred applicants. Moody, D.(2014) Likewise our infrastructures are progressing so are our advancement in technology. We have been advancing steadily; we can now communicate almost instantly with one another. Furthermore, our nature is our most prized possession and is known to many. Our archeological sites has a background culture along with many other site seeing places such as Her Majesty’s Prison and other ancient housings all somehow took part in the coming about of Belize. We also have magnificent waterfalls, mountains and many resorts. It has been rated that our spas are wonderful. According to Steinhauer et al (2013), Ms. Ellis wrote, “Based on thousands of votes submitted by discerning spa-goers around the world, your award represents a true honor and achievement for your spa. With a surge in international voting and nearly twice as many votes overall this year versus a year ago, this