Matthew Hutson Book Report

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In Matthew Hutson book “ The 7 laws of magical thinking; He talks about how some people accept there beliefs in magic, superstitions, paranormal, more than others, but everyone believes in magic somehow, with religion, luck, destiny life after earth, evil. Even when we say we don't. The way he explain why humans decide to believe in magic is unique and very interesting, he uses science, neuroscience, sociology, and psychology to explain how people engache magical thinking in a daily basis. But something also different about Mathhew Hutson way to write in his book, is that he believe that we need to believe in something in order to be happy, is just normal and natural to try to find an explanation to things that we cant really explain, and by doing so we can have a better life quality. Matthew Hutson explain how magic, luck etc, make us believe that we have free will. It make us believe that we have a purpose in life and give …show more content…

in cognitive neuroscience from Brown University and an M.S. in science writing from MIT, spent two years managing a neuroimaging lab at MIT, and he also spent six months at Fermilab and two years at Sally Ride Science. He has written for Wired, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine, Discover, Scientific American Mind, Popular Mechanics, Technology Review, Slate,,,, Aeon, Nautilus, Al Jazeera America, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, and Psychology Today. With all that I can say that he knows exactly what he is writing about, he has credibility, in his book he write about experiments and how in his field of work he realized how people act, making us believed that his stament is not only his opinion but scientific explanations. Also he describe himself as an atheist but and occasional magic thinker, taking in consideration people that believe in magic and people that are not superticions atoll