Maya Angelou Research Paper

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As time goes on people you grow so fond of and look up to eventually pass away. Maya Angelou was as an amazing writer and influential civil rights activist in the 60’s before her death last year in 2014. However, she was so much more than just a writer to not only myself but to so many others around the world who she inspired with her controversial poetry, mesmerizing autobiographies, and impeccable charm. This is why if I could meet any person in the world and hold a 30-minute conversation with them, it would be with her. One of her most famous quotes is “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”. My dream is to one day make people feel something …show more content…

She believed that all people deserved good things and a good life as well as respect; and she thought every life was meaningful as everyone was capable of offering something to the world. This is why I would love to have been able to meet her. Despite her rough patches in life she was able to keep moving forward as well as encourage others who were struggling as well. Maya was always able to see the good in all people even when others could not. Although I could not directly relate to her experiences in life Maya Angelou has inspired me still today to step outside the box and outside my comfort zone. Although cliché, when I face a tough situation I often find myself asking, what would Maya Angelou …show more content…

Even though I am nowhere near her caliber of excellence she has also inspired me to not care so much about what people will think of my writing, but rather to just write for myself as she also used to say “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you”. She also inspired me to join the soccer team at school my freshman year even though it would be challenging as I was not the best by far and feared being harshly judged by my teammates. However stepping outside my comfort zone lead me to meet many new people that have become very close friends and it taught me how to be bold. She brings out an astonishing amount of confidence in me and her accomplishments make me feel like I can do anything I want to do and be any woman I want to be. She shows that traditional barriers are meant to be broken and will only stop you if you let