Mba Admission Essay Sample

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As a professional with a strong interest in analyzing ways to improve systems, it is an exciting time to be part of the statistics community while new methods and technology are rapidly advancing to help tackle the difficult challenges we face in the digital era. I am applying to the Statistics Masters program at the University of Illinois because I am interested in further strengthening my data analytics skills across systems and industries---from the organizational level, to understanding consumer behaviors, and developing solutions to problems in efficiency and effectiveness of programs and products. The focus of the program's curriculum aligns with my interests to apply statistical tools such as predictive modeling and statistical learning …show more content…

Leaving paradise at the University of Hawaii to transfer to UI after my freshman year was a hard decision but I knew it would bring many more opportunities and immerse me in the field right for me. When I began to uncover my strength and interests for statistics during my undergraduate career, I discovered the power in using data to explore the processes and behaviors that facilitate interactions between systems and people across the world. Both academically and professionally, I have also learned the constraints of data analysis, and where certain skills in statistics apply to different problems. I know where I require strengthening of my skillsets and how I would like to expand my thinking in data analytics, which makes me confident that the next logical step is to pursue a graduate education in …show more content…

Whether it comes to discovering risk factors to health issues, containing the spread of disease, and in my experience so far in insurance, managing and securing the financial stability of many people, there are a lot of areas in which statistics makes a positive impact on lives. A successful career in statistics for me would, when looking back, have made a meaningful influence on helping people live a better life. In this vain, I have learned the importance of respecting and appreciating the uncertainty of data to answer challenging questions given the impact these answers hold. The more one acknowledges this uncertainty and limits leaps to conclusion, the more likely there will be a better prediction or understanding of the results. Through the masters program, I hope to gain more insight into the immense power of the tools at hand, and continue to grow my appreciation for the limitations of these tools so I can apply my use of statistics to its full but rightful