Mathematics At Stony Brook University Application Essay

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I was born in a small city in southern China. My passion of mathematics started from junior high, when I encountered physics and chemistry. I found that behind every science subject, the language that helps to build theory is mathematic, which is strict, simply and elegant. Also, the same mathematical concepts can be used to describe different application, for example, quadratic function, itself can be used to model a trace of a moving object under gravity, it also can be used to describe the relationship between time, acceleration and distance. I surprisingly realized that mathematics is fundamental to all sciences, which is significant and beautiful.

When I finished my high school in China, I made a bold decision - to come to the U.S. for my undergraduate study. People in China are especially interested in Engineering majors since the job placement is better than majors like mathematics and arts, which means if one choose to study mathematics in China, the pressure will be considerable, more importantly, the resources for majors like mathematics are less distributed, comparing with that for engineering. However, I chose to follow my passion in applied mathematics. I decided to pursue my bachelor degree in Applied Mathematics at Stony Brook University, …show more content…

It is stunning that statistics is the only way that can be used to describe such data and phenomena, since the data is stochastic, and it is similar to white noise. Meanwhile, there is a rising interest in big data, which aims to discover trends, patterns and associations relating to human behavior and interactions by analyzing numerous data. The foundation of big data is indeed statistics. The uniqueness and beauty of statistics fascinate me. I took all statistics courses available in the applied math department at Stony Brook