Penn Foster High School Essay

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Topic -My favorite subject in the High School program was Math.
My favorite subject in the Penn foster high schoool program was Math. There was differnt types of math threw out the program. There was alot of eye catching information that caught my eyes. I liked the subject math in the Penn foster High school program because it was math that could be used in everyday life. The program also gave me a better understanding of math. When studying the subject Math in the high school program i came across all sorts of math problems. I was also showed how some of the problems were solved using differnt math stratigies. I like my favorite subject math that penn foster has taught me because of many reasons. This subject dosent need memorizing skill like parrot . Only mental logic is sufficient for this subject . Mathematics always remains evergreen in demand in the feild of any education . With out it many life goals cannot be achieved. Mathematics is the only subject in which anyone can score full marks and overall percentage of marks can be improved by hard work . …show more content…

Fallowing area of our life is connected with Mathematics. Banking: A system safeguarding deposits and making funds avible for borrowers. Here the subject Mathematics has a larg connection. Another one is Commercial mathematicsin in Our life. Commercial mathematics is an everyday use in our life. Here are some exsamples how Discount, Foregin Exchange stock and share markit is fully the bussiness of Mathematics. Any bussiness can not be developed with out basic knowledge of the subject math. What ever may be the type of bussiness we deal in our lives there will always be math involved. Another statement is Space researchers , scientiffic researchers and other scientific application can not be possible with out knowledge of

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